Thursday, June 26, 2008

Best Times

i was talking to my father, asked him alot of question til it seems like an interview but he just kept answering so i went on.
I started asking about his favourite food, and the best places in KL to go for
feast and all and at some point i asked him what was the
best times in his life. He answered fast like it was a reflex act
"When I married your mother".
Then i told him about mother's best times in her life
that i asked her few days ago. She said
"When i was pregnant, the way papa had treated me
i felt like a princess, its very comforting how he argued that he wanted
to do all the chores for me and anything that i want he had granted".
So after that, father kept going on talking about the times he watched the
baby came out of mother, where he said "This is ONE moment in life, men MUST NEVER
MISS" he said it was very magical and beautiful how it all was. And he never missed the 5 of my other siblings when they came out but unfortunately he missed mine. He waited for me to come out for almost 2 days with no food and drink, he even missed Friday prayers cause he wanted to
wait for me yet i didnt come out yet after the prayers finshed. Then finally,
he had to get something to eat so he went to a nearest cafe to have a munch
before he faints. Its funny how he described how he ate so fast
like a barbarian. Then he rushed back up to the surgery room and found
Dr Idris panting away and shocked to found my father running towards him.
"Where have you been??! I've been calling you like crazy over the hospital sound system!
Can you imagine that? I've never done that before! But anyway, theyre both safe,
and you guys got yourselves a girl. Congratulations."
My dad was so happy. His FIRST GIRL was me after three boys. But he too regretted for missing watching me came out.
I told my dad that it was okay and theres probably something behind all that has happened.
My father really is something else. He is the best man living on earth .
As i recall back all the memories, i really wish for myself to get old like my parents. Theyre so in love and still is going on so strong.
My best times? When I finally know i have found my Edward of course ;)


Kreshenka said...

alalala this is the cutest blog post i bace....