Sunday, October 5, 2008

Frozen Stuff That Melted

i am very sorry about that honourably lame title. i Dont know how to express what i'm feeling. i feel stupid of my preview posts. (embarassed that i made such remarks)
Minna san ! i have heard about rolllercoaster rides before, experienced the feeling at the end where the ride has finally end and you trying to stand right. i guess thats how im feeling. yet i dont know. its just insane. i mean you look back, and thought back how did that happen? but what i can be sure of is.. i'm smiling. most truely smiling. a real smile.
okay i cant type much, received commands to off right now. Though heres an update, ive got myself both hana yori dango 1 and 2. XD ive got my breaking dawn too. but all that didnt make me happy at all. the feeling of happy just came by and staying here on. Oyasumi ne.