Friday, February 6, 2009

Poem, English Homework

(teacher made us to do a poem, the kind to describe someone, which.. i dont think i ever practiced.. so i'll just give it a shot..)

She has dyed hair
tried piercings
go for wild party fares
and made icings

She is very bright as the sun will shine
Yet when it is night her heart dims
Her intelligence can make people smile
though when she's broken apart she's ripped at the seams

She has experienced through many things
That made her a beautiful person that she is
If ever i need help i'd ask her for anything
She for sure to be there for me, a friend and a big sis

With all the hand that she ever lend
Never once she asks anything in return
She only asked for me to be happy
Well thats Inka, the cheery cheer cheer person..

it sounds so corny. T.T