Saturday, September 13, 2008

Interview Continuum

well it was alright, i was being paranoid on the previous post, the interview was just an assignment for med students, they came by my house talked and answered Q's. told them the basic stuff about me and all. it was for practice to improvise their communication skills with patients. -.-" yes i'm a patient. they are Pei Chee, Asnida and Hakem. on 2nd year for the med course. started off pretty nervous not me, but them. Surprisingly i was really laid back. so Hakem complimented me for being positive. AHAHAHA what a revolver. me? positivomente? nada! Probably cause it was an interview so suddenly my brain took over me. I dont even remember what i answered. XD. and in the morning that day i was having a bad fever, my body was stuck to my Sturgess husband-bed, told mom i couldnt do the interview but.. the interview turned alright. Hakem said again, 'we had what we came for, thanks' :D wuuuuweee. so yeah. according to the contract, i'll have to coorperate with them forthe  5 years to come. meet a luck i'll live that long. 

Sturgess not well today. No poem will be published. thank you.