Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here It Mumble

its a wonder to me how some people would just make comments and their opinion about this matter. but honey, if you think about it, you have had said those magics to someone, yet making such negative impressions. one kind of confusion. i'm just in a mood to blog right now, no offence taken or received alright. there exist a place called Earth, where you find people in such split ways nor personalities. this comes to their heart. everyone has their pros and cons whatsoever. i dont even have to say this but heck it, this stands neutral as common knowledge. our priority is our own life, you get it straight, love your own, care your own, take control of your mind, plan out your days, but dont expect it to be the way you planned it to be. Its of course, His agreement if the project/subject succeeds. to have such ideas about a thing. observe it rightly. perhaps too much of exposure towards city life, or i dont know, somehow, your point of view is just practical. believe in what must be done and take control of it. i believe in changes that can be made starts with one beating heart of will. we do not have time to waste in observing negativity, lets just use gold for all benefit. people seem to like faults and falses. but i'm sure, if one person starts to be good with that true heart even if its all corrupted, other citizens shall follow. hey now, its like fashion, set a trend, people will tend to like it, and the trend will finally be accepted. you want to talk about others? sure.. want to make comments? go ahead, well thats if your superhero. i'm not saying i am a superb, i meant to say that, i too am human, not different from any of you, just living here trying to sort the right things, believing in impossibilities. making world a better place. that starts with love. what is love then? oh its too long towards definition. you'll figure it out. even at a 100 years of active ageing, with botox bottle beside you old hags tablelamps. (;D) and dear my fox mouth, to say about this, and to act this act towards someone else, dear dear my foxy mouth, apply it to yourself as the baby steps.