Thursday, August 27, 2009


if only you wouldnt hold on to my heart so indelicately

if only you knew every tone when this midge screams its peaks
if only you turned your back and have a look at me when i fell
if only then and there you saved me from falling
if only you stayed to hear on my unnecessaries
if only fate somehow twists so that we meet everyday
though we wont conversate
but i know you'll feel my presence
stabbing in your heart
repeating its indulgence
howling at its glory

and if only i wasnt a cursed statue
not a limb moving
only a heart beating
thromping its way
finding an escape

and if only there wasnt any memory left of you
or maybe a tragedy would happen
truly so that, that part of my memory is erased
and never would come back

and if only i knew
how stupid i was to not think of you
how moronic not to whisper i love you

and if only now
that i wont be here like this
picking up every piece

to all this.

if only pigs could fly then yeah.