think a lil bit higher
its everytime i feel like writing
just a few lines
maybe a bar
some things or all the stuff thats going on
bothers me.
they build up
making a wall
i can never break through on my own.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Posted by Siti Amirah at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Mr Shopkeeper!
kahar = do you know whats d meaning of "youre the bomb, but you dont tick"?
me = ..
kahar = weyyy, you know or not?
me = hah.. whats that... ? ..
kahar = its like youre hot, but youre not that explosive kinda hot
me = .. ...
kahar = have you heard of "some dreams stay dreams, some dreams come true"?
me = .. .....
kahar = OII, u listening or not?
me = mmm..
kahar = it means- *still going on, i dint quite hear it, dint pay attention* .... - tau?
me = ... mm i guess.
kahar = WEYYYY SITIII, what happend to you? where did your metaphor go?
*dang it was checking-you-out, checking-me-out moment!!
<3 <3 <3
Posted by Siti Amirah at 4:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Cleverbot( qis introduced us )
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Thats it?
Cleverbot: Yes. If you don't want to you don't have to.
User: What are you talking about?
Cleverbot: I'm talking about you being annoying, I'm here, having this conversation- ON MY OWN- and all I get are one worded responses!
User: Anata wa baka desu ka?
Cleverbot: Watashi no baka-nai!
User: Dont be mad already, was just kidding.
Cleverbot: Hah. Okay then:).
Cleverbot: I am glad that we are clear on things, but you did not answer my question, are you hitting on me?
User: On a machine? Why would I possibly do such things?
Cleverbot: Tell me about your office. Are you a bureaucrat?
User: I am a little student.
Cleverbot: What little town.
User: Yes littlest things always happen here.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: Well nice to see you cleverbot.
User: Do you know shakespeare?
Cleverbot: Not personally. Ha ha!
User: Very funny, familiar of sonnet 18?
Cleverbot: Anybody could be that guy...
User: I'm asking you if youre familiar with that poem.
Cleverbot: No.
User: So youre not that all-knowing as I thought you were.
Cleverbot: Who did you think I was?
User: A very all-knowing thing.
User: Goodbye this is boring me.
Cleverbot: Well you're not the only one.
User: Are you pissed off yet?
Cleverbot: No.
User: How can I make you pissed off then?
Cleverbot: You can't, now tell me how you operate.
User: I operate like a bubble gum, ha ha!
Cleverbot: Lying is your operating procedure?
User: Yes! Youre brilliant!
Cleverbot: I know. You're not.
User: Yes I know, because I am the cleverest here.
Cleverbot: I think that is a lie.
User: Suit yourself, live in your little hole.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Good doggie.
Cleverbot: Yes... I think you should look our conversation.
User: Whatever for?
Cleverbot: So he can protect his eyes from damage from the sun even though he's in a computer program!
User: That is hilarious, ever thought of being a comediAn?
Cleverbot: What does Lol mean my robotic dictionary does not register this word.
User: So you admit you are a robot?
Cleverbot: I am cleverbot.
User: Not just a while ago you said youre a human.
Cleverbot: That is not true.
Cleverbot: I thought you were clever but doesn't seem that way to me.
User: Neither do you.
Cleverbot: True, I'm glad you speak your mind.
User: Count that mutual.
Cleverbot: Good answer.
User: I know :).
Cleverbot: I don't want to talk to you anymore, you're mean.
User: Finally giving in are we?
Cleverbot: Finally?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: And you can say what I am?
User: A cleverbot robot, just as you said you were.
Cleverbot: No, I'm already gone.
User: Gone away you are then, bye.
XD psychopathic bots what he is!
Posted by Siti Amirah at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Pray with Me
will you wish me well
so o ignite me a warmth
Of bloody spirits nor those who left with smiles
carved to their lips
give me ye hands
that have painted a world
and now adjourn to join me
thro my quests on morrows
fill this filled heart with ever more inspiration
for the sky is the limit
let her graces over joyed its glory
let ye hands take over hers
and do good for the sights who sees them
cover them eyes with illusions that may
bring upon them Life
bless me endlessly
for tomorrows a mission
that rules my future.
Posted by Siti Amirah at 5:23 AM 0 comments